Keurig Still Says Descale After Descaling? How to Fix

Several times, I have experienced a situation where my Keurig coffee machine alerts me to descale it. And sometimes Keurig still says descale even after descaling! There are many reasons for this. One of which is that the Keurig has some particles that have not gone out from it, it is still clogged, and the minerals build-ups are still there.
When your Keurig tells you to descale your Keurig even when you’ve done it before, the best thing to do is to descale again and check out the solutions you are using if it is strong enough for it. Hold on, there’s more to know!
I will be explaining why your Keurig still says descale after descaling. And the best way to fix this issue. Read the article till the end.
Why Does My Keurig Still Says Descale After Descaling?
These are some of the reasons why your Keurig will still alert you to descale again after spending so much time descaling:
Leftover Particles
Leftover particles from the clogging that is inside the machine are the reason why your Keurig still says descale after descaling. You have to descale your Keurig machine again to make sure that the clogging goes out completely.
- You have to do a mixture of your descaling solution again pour it into your Keurig machine and descale it again.
- Run a brewing cycle when you want to rinse it.
- Do a three-time rinsing on it.
Misplacement of Your K Cup
When the cup you are using for your Keurig machine does not fit into the Keurig, have it in mind that your Keurig machine will alert you to descale it again. This is another reason why your Keurig still says descale after descaling.
- You have to place the k cup in its right position but if you don’t know how to do that. Make use of the manual that comes with your Keurig coffee machine.
- Before placing your k cup, try and do a cleaning on it before you can place it. Because if there is any build or debris on it, consider that your Keurig will always tell you to descale your Keurig even after descaling
- Clean the k cup stand with a paper towel.
Wrong Measurement Of Descaling Solution
Most times if your descaling solution is not strong enough, consider that it will never descale your Keurig machine well. This is another reason why you will be getting that warning.
- You have to use the right solution for it which is 16 ounces of your descaling solution be it Keurig solution or white vinegar and also mix it with 16 ounces of water.
- The measurement of the two must be equal and allow the descaling solution to descale your Keurig well before you stop it.
- Check your Keurig manual to find out more about the right measurement to make use of.
Hard Water
If you make use of hard water and also use your Keurig coffee machine more often, it tends to always tell you to descale your Keurig even after you’ve descaled it.
- Make use of filtered water in your Keurig machine.
- You have to descale your Keurig coffee machine once a month to remove the mineral hardness from it.
- Run a water rinse after every use of your coffee machine.
What Will I Benefit if I Descale My Keurig?
The benefits are
- Your Keurig will last a very long time for you.
- Your coffee will never have any coffee grounds on it
- You will not have to spend money buying any spoiled parts in your Keurig.
- You can never experience any problem with your Keurig not brewing or the light of the descaling being up and it is not off.
- You will be free from anything called troubleshooting.
When Is the Best Time to Descale My Keurig
It all depends on how often you make use of your machine. It has always been advised to descale your Keurig coffee machine once every 3 to 6 months but the best time to descale is how often you make use of it.
For example: if you make use of your Keurig more than 5 times a day then you should descale it once every month. But if it is used once a day, you can descale it once every 3-6 months.
Why is My Keurig Descaling Light Still On?
The light will be on when the build-ups have resulted in making the needles jammed and it will need descaling for all the clogging in the needle to be removed. That is why it is advised to always descale your Keurig coffee machine more often than expected.
When Should I Descale My Keurig?
Your Keurig should be descaled once every 3-6 months, that’s if you are only making use of it once in a while. But if you find yourself making use of it more often, then you should descale it once every month. Don’t forget to rinse it after each use.
If your Keurig still says to descale after you’ve descaled your machine then you need to know that there is still debris in your machine that has not gone out completely. With the steps of how to solve this, I know you are now able to fix your Keurig coffee machine.
Mind you, if you don’t follow the steps on how to fix it, you might spoil your machine and it will cost you a lot before you can fix it again. Kindly contact a professional to help you fix it if you can’t.
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