Cuisinart SS-15 Problems: Troubleshooting Guide

cuisinart ss-15 problems troubleshooting guide

Last week, a lady reached out to me via call one early morning. She complained that she hasn’t taken coffee for 2 days because her Cuisinart ss-15 won’t turn on. And she has just used the coffee maker for 6 months. I felt the frustration in her voice!

I had to pacify her because she sounded so worried. I directed her on what to do to resolve the issue. After about 1 hour, she called to inform us that her Cuisinart ss-15 had powered on and she was just sipping coffee while on call. 

So, If you’re facing problems with your Cuisinart SS-15, this troubleshooting guide will help you. Read to the end.

Cuisinart SS-15 Troubleshooting Guide

The common Cuisinart ss-15 problems are the coffee maker not powering on, water leaking from the bottom, coffee overflowing during brewing, the brewer producing watery coffee, brewing taking too long, coffee tasting bad, coffee maker shutting off unexpectedly or blinking lights appearing. Let’s walk through these problems and the troubleshooting steps.

cuisinart ss-15 troubleshooting guide

Cuisinart SS-15 Doesn’t Power On

The lady I mentioned earlier had issues with her power outlet, which was why her coffee maker refused to power on. Other possible reasons for this issue are when the power cord is loosely connected or bad, the circuit breaker has tripped or the fuse has blown. Let’s fix this!


  1. Make sure that the coffee maker is properly plugged into a functioning power outlet.
  2. Connect another device to the outlet to confirm it’s working. 
  3. If it’s not, change to another outlet.
  4. Examine the power cord for any damage or loose connections.
  5. If you see burns or cuts on it, change the power cord.
  6. If the coffee maker is still not turning on, check your circuit breaker or fuse box.
  7. Reset the circuit breaker or replace the fuse if it’s blown.

Water Leaks From The Bottom

One of the main reasons for water leakage from the bottom is the improper seating of important components. This could be the water reservoir, coffee filter, and carafe. It could be that the carafe is not aligned correctly with the drip spout of the coffee maker or that the lid gasket is damaged.


  1. To fix this issue, ensure that all the water reservoir is aligned properly and the coffee filter is positioned well.
  2. Make sure that the carafe is fully seated under the drip spout. Check if the carafe’s lid is firmly closed.
  3. Carefully inspect the gaskets in your Cuisinart SS-15. If you notice any signs of damage or wear, such as cracks or tears, they should be replaced.

Coffee Overflows During Brewing:

It can be annoying If the coffee maker overflows during the brewing process. This can lead to water or coffee spills in the kitchen, giving you cleaning work you didn’t plan for.


  1. Check the coffee-to-water ratio you are using. Using too much water or too many coffee grounds can cause overflow.
  2. Adjust the ratio according to the recommendation in your user manual.

Brewer Produces Watery Coffee

 If your coffee turns out watery, it might be due to using too little coffee grounds. In some cases, weak coffee can be the result of water temperature. If the water is not getting hot enough during the brewing process, it won’t extract the flavors of the coffee properly.


  1. Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio according to the strength of the coffee you desire. Normally, a standard ratio is about 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water, but you can adjust this to your taste.
  2. Make sure that the coffee maker is heating the water to the proper temperature. If not, check the user manual for instructions on adjusting the temperature settings.

Brewing Takes Too Long

 A slow brewing process can be due to a clogged filter basket or a dirty coffee maker. Hard water deposits can accumulate in the water reservoir and affect the efficiency of the heating element. 


  1. Remove the filter basket and clean it thoroughly. Remove any coffee residue or debris that might be causing clogs.
  2. If your water has mineral deposits, it may have accumulated in the water reservoir and heating element.  Descale your coffee maker using a descaling solution.

Coffee Tastes Bad

If your coffee tastes bad, it might be due to any of these:

  • Stale Coffee Beans or Grounds.  Coffee, like any food, can go stale over time. If you’re using old beans or grounds, it can result in a less flavored taste.
  • Poor Water Quality. If your tap water has impurities or an unusual taste, it can affect the taste of your coffee. 
  • Dirty Coffee Maker. Coffee residue and oil buildup can accumulate in your coffee maker over time, affecting the taste of your brew. 
  • Sometimes, residual flavors from cleaning products or leftover soap in coffee equipment can transfer to your brew.


  1. Buy fresh, high-quality coffee beans and grind them just before brewing.
  2. Store your beans in an airtight container away from light and heat to maintain it’s freshness
  3. Use filtered or bottled water to brew your coffee. If you must use tap water, consider a water filter to remove impurities and improve taste.
  4. Regularly clean your coffee maker by removing and washing removable parts, such as the filter basket and carafe.
  5. Thoroughly rinse all equipment with clean water after cleaning to ensure no residue remains.

Coffee Maker Shuts Off Unexpectedly

 This could be due to overheating. Electrical issues can also cause this. A loose or damaged power cord or faulty power outlet can cause intermittent shutdowns. If you also choose a brew size that exceeds the available water level, the brewer may shut off.


  1. Ensure that the coffee maker is placed in a well-ventilated area and is not too close to heat sources like stovetops or toasters.
  2. Check if the electrical outlet is working. Also, confirm that the power cord is well-connected and not damaged.
  3. Run a cleaning cycle with a descaling solution to remove any buildup. This is because mineral deposits and coffee residue can accumulate over time, causing the coffee maker to malfunction. 
  • Cuisinart SS-15 Blinking Lights

If your Cuisinart ss-15 coffee maker is blinking lights, it is because it has become dirty due to the buildup of coffee residues and oil. The blinking light is a scale-clean reminder. It’s time to descale your coffee maker!


  • Run a cleaning cycle with white vinegar and water. Descaling your coffee maker will make the blinking light turn off. 


Why Is My Coffee Maker Turning On But Not Brewing?

The main reason your coffee maker is turning on but not brewing is because something is blocking the water flow. To fix it, you should first look inside the tube in your coffee maker. If there’s anything in there that shouldn’t be, like dirt or something stuck,  water or any other liquid won’t be able to go through.

Why is My Coffee Maker  Pressure Too Low?

The pressure of your coffee maker becomes too low when the water lines get blocked. This often happens when you have very hard water, and it’s like when arteries get clogged with plaque. 


These detailed troubleshooting steps should help you identify and resolve common issues with your Cuisinart SS-15 coffee maker. If the problem you’re facing persists, contact a repair technician for proper diagnosis and repair.

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