Keurig Turns Off After Selecting the Cup Size: How To Fix

keurig turns off after selecting the cup size

I met an old friend yesterday! We talked and shared our successes, plans, and failures and it all looked like the old times. We walked past a coffee shop and the fragrance was so strong that we digressed to coffee talks!

My friend complained about the faults he has experienced in his Keurig machine. Recently,  his  Keurig turned off after selecting the cup size. He has dropped two of her Keurig to buy a new one. And has never thought that it is spoiled. 

As an expert in the Keurig coffee machines, I told him the reasons why his Keurig turns off after selecting cup size. You might be facing a similar problem! These can be solved with you taking a little of your time working on your coffee machine.

The good news is that I am here to teach you how you can fix your Keurig turning off after selecting the cup size. 

Why Does My Keurig Turn Off After Selecting Cup Size?

The Keurig turns off after selecting the cup size because some of the detachable parts are not in place, or there is clogging in the machine that leads to the malfunctioning.

I will show you a few things that can lead to your Keurig turning off after selecting the cup size. 

1. Unpunctured Keurig K-Cup 

When the K cup you are using for your coffee has a hardcover, it will be very difficult for it to be punctured and this will lead to your Keurig turning off after selecting the cup size. Let’s look at how to get this done first.


  • First of all, check if you are making use of a hard K-cup 
  • You can also manually open up your K cup.
  • Avoid buying hard K cups. This can help to preserve your Keurig coffee machine.

2. A Keurig Bent Or Broken Needle

When your Keurig needle is bent or broken, then have it in mind that your Keurig will turn off after selecting the cup size. There are a few steps you need to take for this to be fixed.


  • Change your Keurig needle.
  • Replace all the broken or bent needles.
  • You can also bend the bent needles back to their normal place.

3. Keurig Brewing Disrupted 

Not turning off your Keurig coffee machine after use and then you allow it to turn off on its own, will lead to your Keurig malfunctioning and this may not fit well with you when next you want to brew a coffee. What will happen when you come back for a coffee is that it will start brewing but in the middle of it, it will turn off.


  • Always turn off your Keurig machine after each use.
  • You can run a brewing on the machine when the machine starts.
  • You can turn it off and allow it to rest for some time before you can turn it on again.

4. Keurig Water Reservoir Misaligned

When the water reservoir is not placed in its right place, it will make the Keurig turn off after selecting the cup size. Once the water reservoir is not connected correctly to the magnet of the Keurig, it will turn it off after you’ve started the brewing process.


  • You have to first all of your machine and then allow it to cool off.
  • Then, take up the water reservoir and fix it again in its right position. 

5. Keurig Needs Descaling 

When your Keurig keeps turning off after selecting cup size, it means that there is a lot of clogging that needs to be descaled first before it can come back to normal again. 


  • Descale Your coffee machine with either a Keurig solution or a white vinegar solution.
  • Wash all the removable parts with warm water and soapy water.
  • Clean them well with a paper clip or towel.

6. Keurig Needs Resetting 

Most times when this happens, all you need to do is for you to reset your Keurig coffee machine. I will show you how to do this.


  • You have to turn off your machine and unplug it first before you can access it.
  • Remove the water reservoir.
  • When you are done, plug the Keurig machine back and turn it on at the same time.
  • Please your water reservoir back 
  • Open up the k cup lever and then close it again.


What Makes My Keurig Turns Off After Selecting Cup Size?

This happens when your needle is bent, clogged, or misaligned water reservoir or the brewing process is interrupted. The ways to fix this had been stated in this article.

After Resetting My Keurig, Will It Work Again?

Yes! It will once you follow the right steps for it. And also don’t forget to contact a professional to help you fix it if you know you can’t do it. You can also contact Keurig customer service to help you with it. 


I hope you’ve been able to get the problems and solutions to your Keurig turned off after selecting the cup size. Now you know that when some of the detachable parts are not in the right position it can lead to your Keurig turning off after selecting cup size plus the fact that clogging also causes the issues.

The solution to all these is in the article, Kindly go back and read it again in case you skip any part that might solve your problem.

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